Examination Rules
Examinations Calendar 2021-22 (+3 wings) |
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- College Examination Rules:
- The Principal shall notify for the following examinations for different classes:
Class Examination Month
+2 I Year Half-Yearly November/December
Yearly February-March
+2 II Year Test November/December
+3 Traditional Test November/December
+3 CBCS Internal (20%) March/September
Annual (80%) June/December
- The question papers of the above examinations shall bear 75/100 (seventy-five/one hundred) marks for each paper/subject. The pattern of these questions shall resemble the pattern followed in the concerned H.S./University examinations.
iii. Besides these, the students shall appear at least 5 (five) monthly tests of 30 (thirty) marks each. The procedure of the test and the pattern of questions to be followed in these tests shall be decided by the concerned teachers.
- It is obligatory for each student to appear at these examinations to obtain progress grades. If not appeared, he/she shall be fined at the rate fixed by the Staff Council with a provision to appear at a token test. In order to be exempted from the fines, the student should have to produce supporting evidence along with an application to the Principal.
- student must secure 20% of marks in the qualifying examination and 25% marks in at least 3 (three) monthly tests taken together in order to be promoted to the next higher class or to be sent up for the Council/University Examinations. Students adopting unfair means shall be severely penalized.
- Council Examination Rules:
- After completion of two years course the students shall appear in the Higher Secondary Examination in the month of March.
- There shall be three compulsory papers and six optional papers and one extra optional (not obligatory) carrying 100 marks.
iii. The passing score is 30% in theory papers and 40% in practical papers. An aggregate of 35% must be secured for successful completion of the course.
- A student securing marks between 35% and 49% shall be awarded 3rd Division, 50% to 59% Second Division and 60% and above for award of 1st Division.
- If a candidate secures any excess marks in the extra optional subjects other than the pass marks, this shall be added to the aggregate marks for award of division and distinction.
- Degree Examination Rules:
(Effective for students admitted to First Year of +3 Courses during 2014-15 and afterwards, For U. G. Mahavidyalaya, Khamar)
- The Bachelors Degree in Arts will be awarded to those who will have completed three Academic Years of Studies and passed in the First, Second and Final University Examinations.
- A candidate shall be admitted to the I Year Degree Course in this College if he has passed the +2 Examination (Any Stream) as per the prescribed procedure adopted at SAMS.
iii. Admission to the second and third year course shall be completed within two weeks of the reopening of the college without waiting for the publication of the results of their previous examinations. In case any student fails to do so, he/she will get admission with a payment of late fees.
- A student not appeared in the degree examination due to shortage of attendance may be admitted to the same year in the next session provided seats are available on the basis of highest marks in the CHSE examination.
- In no case the admission will stretch beyond 31st December of the respective year.
vii. Change of combination of subjects will be allowed by the Principal till thirty days after the last date of admission into the First Year Course.
viii. Any registered student of the University may be allowed to appear in the University examinations only if s/he has offered a regular course of study for the entire academic year and has cleared the Examination of the previous year.
- In order to clear an examination the candidate has to secure a minimum of 30% marks in each subject. He will, however, pass the same if s/he secures a minimum of 36% of marks in the aggregate. As previous, a minimum of 45% of marks will be required for getting II Class Honours and a 50% aggregate to get distinction.
- In case of absence in any paper or failing to secure a minimum of 30% marks in any subject, a candidate will be allowed to appear in those subjects in not more than two chances immediately following that examination for which he was first registered to clear the back papers.
- If a student fails to clear any examination s/he will be allowed to appear in all the papers provided his marks secured in the previous examination stand cancelled or he fails to clear the examination for the second time and wishes to take a subsequent chance within 5 years of first registration to First year degree examination.
xii. One can make up the deficiency of pass marks in the aggregate by offering one or more papers from the courses of any year in maximum two subsequent chances only following the Final examination but within 5 years of first registration to I Year Degree Course.
xiii. Improvement of marks in the Hons. Papers, if required, can be done in two subsequence chances after the completion of the Degree within 5 years of first registration to First year degree examination.
xiv. A student shall attend 75% of lectures and tutorials taken separately during one academic year. Condonations if any may be granted by the college upto 15%.
- A candidate may drop Honours as subject to be offered in the Examination and adopt Pass course only in that subject at the time of submitting his application for the First Examination or earlier.
xvi. The result of the three year B.A. Degree Examination and the classes to be awarded shall be determined on the basis of the combined result of First, Second and Final Examination taken together. The candidate shall receive suitable diploma as a testimonial of his/her success.
xvii. The students admitted in the 2016 batch are required to consult the website of the Utkal University for the Regulations and the Examination rules.
Excerpts from:
Friday: March 11, 1998
Law Dept. Notification
In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires,
(a) “Recognized examination” means an examination specified in the schedule and includes evaluation, tabulation, publication of result and all other matters connected therewith.
(b) “Unfair means” in relation to any recognized examination means taking or giving or attempting to take or give any help other than one permissible any, under the rules applicable here to form any material, written recorded or printed or relayed from any person, in any form whatsoever.
- a) No person shall adopt or take recourse to unfair means at any recognised examination
No person, who is not lawfully authorized or permitted by virtue of his duties to do so, shall before the time fixed for distribution of copies of question paper to examinees at recognised examination,
(a) procure, attempt to procure or possess such question paper or a portion or a copy thereof or
(b) impart or offer to impart information which he knows or has reason to believe is related to or is derived from or has a bearing upon such question paper.
No person shall procure, possess, distribute or otherwise publicize or cause to be published any question paper as bearing the one purporting to be the one that is to give or likely to be given at an ensuing recognized examination.
No person save in the discharge of the duties shall
(a) during the hours when a recognised examination centre or where any evaluation or tabulation work relating to a recognised examination is done and
(b) two hours preceding the commencement of such examination, evaluation or tabulation work or cause to be committed, any of the following acts within the premises wherein the recognised work is done at any public or private place of evaluation or tabulation work namely:
(i) distributing or otherwise publishing any paper or other matter relating to such examination or
(ii) including on such examination or is likely to affect the secrecy thereof provided that nothing contained in this section shall apply in respect of bonafied activities or examination appearing at the examination which is conducted at such examination centre.
Whoever contravenes any of the provisions of the above section shall, on conviction, be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to three months or with fine which may extend to three thousand rupees but shall not be less than five hundred rupees or with both.